Many of us find ourselves wondering what schooling will look like come fall. Come Fall, we may not be in a position to open schools and continue with remote, distance learning. However, while this is doable, and Catholic schools have successfully moved to a digital platform to finish out the school year, a difficult road lies ahead. As it stands now, the school year will likely look and operate differently than what we were previously accustomed to...
Governor Tom Wolf announced on April 9, 2020, that schools would remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Staff of schools within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, like St. Cornelius School, were well underway in planning how to teach remotely, and have consistently tapped into their creativity to adapt to the changes...
Another week at home comes and goes, but our students and schools show they continue to find new ways to adapt and stay connected. Social media and video calling technologies continue to allow us to keep face to face contact, and allow teachers and students to engage on an ongoing basis...
COVID-19 changed our normal routines quite drastically over the last two months. Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, like St. Cornelius School, have ensured that students continue through the curriculum and stay on task while at home.